
MyTimetable Updates

COVID-19 response

Marco Krikke | Published March 18, 2020 | Updated November 28, 2021

Like the rest of the world, Eveoh has taken some measures to minimize the impact of COVID-19 on our operations. At this moment, our operations continue as usual, but we do have some requests to our users to streamline the process.

Since last week, our personnel is working from home. Being an IT company, this is easily done and does not impact our day-to-day operations. People may be working different hours than usual, to streamline their personal life, but we will always make sure someone is available to respond to your questions.


To streamline our support process, we urge our customers to use our well-defined support channels to communicate with us. These channels are:

Please do not use personal email addresses for day-to-day support questions.

Publication rules

Due to the closure of universities, customers may have a need to remove activities or rooms from the timetable, or to add a message to their timetabling portal. We would like to point out the following MyTimetable functionality to help you:

  • It is possible to create a publication rule that matches a certain date range of activities. E.g., create a condition on ‘Start date’ and match all activities after a certain date.
  • It is possible to let a publication rule remove activities from the timetable (action: ‘Remove activity’) or hide the rooms from the activities (action: ‘Remove locations’).
  • Using the ‘Messages’ tab in the administrative portal, it is possible to add a message to the timetable website. Mark the message as ‘important’, so users will see it as soon as they visit the portal.

Our thoughts are with all the people affected by this pandemic and the medical professionals doing their best to help those who need it most.

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