
MyTimetable Updates

MyTimetable adds support for Untis timetables

Marco Krikke | Published November 30, 2016 | Updated November 28, 2021

MyTimetable now offers support for Gruber & Petters Untis timetables. All common MyTimetable features are available, such as personalising timetables, staged publication, draft timetables, and support for multiple study years. Integration with calendaring applications is possible through iCalendar subscriptions, and by pushing timetables to Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Exchange and Google Apps for Education. Currently, support for class, subject, teacher and room timetables is available.


Untis timetable, showing activities of one class from the Untis demo data set
Untis timetable, showing activities of one class from the Untis demo data set


Supported timetable types

MyTimetable currently supports Untis class, subject, teacher and room timetables. Timetable types can be hidden to particular users, for example to guest users or users that have been assigned a specific role. One example is limiting access to teacher timetables to staff.

Next to manually adding timetables, it is possible to automatically add timetables based on the logged in user. For students, MyTimetable can look up their assigned class or subject enrolments and automatically display those timetables.

Staged publication and draft activities

MyTimetable can control what timetabling data needs to be published. Out-of-the-box scenarios for staged publication and draft activities are also available for Untis timetables. One well known scenario is publishing timetables to students two weeks before the start of a new semester, while already provisionally publishing these activities to staff as draft one month in advance.

The screenshot below shows activities marked as draft, visible to staff only.

Activities marked as draft, visible to staff only
Activities marked as draft, visible to staff only


Integration with calendaring services

Personalised timetables can be published to leading calendaring products Microsoft Office 365, Microsoft Exchange and Google Calendar. With this integration, timetabled activities become appointments in the user’s main calendar, and therefore also show up in planning assistants offered by the calendaring products. This allows students and staff to schedule meetings based on complete and correct availability information.

Personalised Untis (draft) timetable pushed into a Office 365 calendar
Personalised Untis (draft) timetable pushed into a Office 365 calendar


MyTimetable also supports iCalendar subscriptions, allowing users to subscribe to their timetable in, for example, Microsoft Outlook, Google Calendar and iOS calendar.


Multiple data sets

MyTimetable can handle multiple Untis data sets simultaneously. This not only allows for publication of multiple study years at the same time, but multiple data sets for one study year can be merged into one data set as well.

The screenshot below shows two study years (2016/17 and 2017/18), each consisting of two separate data sets – one data set for each semester. These four data sets are merged into two data sets that are visible to students and staff in MyTimetable. This way, users get a logical view of the data sources.

Multiple Untis data sources, merged together into two study years
Multiple Untis data sources, merged together into two study years


Available now

MyTimetable Untis support is generally available as of now. Please contact us for more information, or visit for more information on the features offered by MyTimetable.


We would like to sincerely thank Grafisch Lyceum Utrecht for providing us with valuable feedback.


Marco Krikke
+31 15 700 9707


This integration has been developed independently from Untis GmbH. Eveoh is not affiliated in any way to Untis GmbH.

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